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4 Custom Pergola Design Ideas to Makeover Your Outdoor Living Space with Practical Covered Spaces

If you want to have more practical features for your outdoor living space, custom pergolas can give you a lot of options. They can provide you with the covered spaces that you need to enjoy the outdoor spaces and add features like outdoor kitchens and seating areas. The following custom pergola design ideas are some of the options you may want to consider for your outdoor living space project:

1. Custom Pergola with Roof for Covered Space to Add an Outdoor Grill, Kitchen, or Cooking Space

Some of the outdoor areas you are designing for your home may need a roof over them. If you are creating a cooking area with a grill or a kitchen space, you may want to add a custom pergola with a finished roof to protect appliances, cooking surfaces, and other features from the weather and wear. The pergola can have a covered kitchen area with a finished roof, as well as spaces with an open frame design to give your outdoor space a unique custom look.

2. Pergolas to Add Privacy Features with Climbing Plants That Also Provide Shade During Summer Weather

The privacy of your outdoor living space is also important and can be improved with custom pergolas. The definition of a pergola is a garden framework feature, which is meant for plants. Use smaller custom pergola designs to add the privacy you want for your outdoor spaces, and use climbing plants to cover the framework, provide shade, and add privacy to outdoor areas.

3. Custom Pergolas with Automated Canopy Features That Provide Shade and Sunshine for Outdoor Spaces

You may want to have a custom pergola that has a more conventional design but also gives you modern features. This can be done with the addition of an automated canopy to provide covered protection from the rain and weather, as well as be opened to provide sunshine to outdoor space when you want it.

4. Pergolas That Provide Shade and Covering for Outdoor Seating and Dining Areas That You Are Designing

There may also be outdoor seating areas where you want to have shade and covered space to protect you from the weather. If you are creating an outdoor dining table or bar, use a pergola design that includes a finished roof or fixed canopy. For other outdoor seating, like that you would have around a fire pit, more traditional custom pergola designs will work better.

These are some of the options that you will want to consider for the custom pergolas that you are planning on adding to your outdoor living space.  If you are ready to add pergolas to the outdoor spaces you are designing, contact a custom pergola service and talk to them about some of these ideas for their design.